We use a video editing application called Final Cut Pro. You can find it in your application folder. Once you do, follow along with the videos in each section below.
- 3.1 Students will be able to demonstrate, using SD or other media cards, successful media import with no file read errors.
- 3.2 Students will be able to manipulate software tools and keyboard shortcuts to mark clips using keywords, favorites, and smart collections.
- 3.3 Students will be able to demonstrate essential media organization skills (including media back-ups) by having a library that is easily searchable or used by students in other groups.
- 3.4 understand and demonstrate various edits such as overwrite, append and insert using keyboard shortcuts, buttons, and menu options.
- 3.6 Students will be able to create a rough cut of a 1-minute film using “speak and say” edits in less than 15 minutes.
Editing a Trailer: Getting Up to Speed with Final Cut Pro
FCP Basics on LinkedIn Learning
Editing a Trailer on LinkedIn Learning
Lesson Quiz – Editing a Trailer Using FCP