39 Live Events

This Quest contains some of the information you will need to create a live event with multiple cameras. A reminder that your live sound information is found in another Quest. At the completion of this Quest, and more importantly after your team has done the work, there is a test.

DMT Skills Covered in this Quest

Estimated Time: 5 days

Difficulty: Foundational


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  • 6.1 Students will be able to describe various roles of live production.
  • 6.2 Students will be able to define live production terminology.
  • 6.3 Students will be able to determine the equipment required for various live scenarios (e.g. podcast, presentation, music performance, etc. . . ).
  • 6.4 Students will be able to identify various connections on multicam switcher.
  • 6.5 Students will be able to build a live broadcast with a minimum of 3 cameras and two audio inputs.
  • 6.6 Students will be able to match exposure, white balance, lighting, etc. on multiple cameras.
  • 6.7 Students will be able to mix live audio with pre-recorded audio using a laptop or other audio source.
  • 6.8 Students will be able to utilize upstream keying to composite video sources.
  • 6.9 Students will be able to create and employ graphics such as lower thirds.
  • 6.10 Students will be able to execute a live broadcast – troubleshooting and problem solving as necessary.
  • 6.11 Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency as a director or technical director.
  • 6.12 Students will be able to utilize advanced software and hardware tools during live production (e.g. ATEM, Stream Deck, etc.).
  • 8.6 Students will be able to use correct power for lights and audio equipment in a live performance environment.
  • 8.7 Students will be able to demonstrate proper organization of microphone, speaker, and mixer cables in a live performance environment.

Equipment Information

Producing a Live Show

Advanced Skills

Project Overview

ATEM Live Stream Assessment

Has Quiz