32 Save the Cat! – Story Beats, Structure, and More

Save the Cat! is the title of a popular book on screenwriting. The name refers to the actions of the hero of your story.

There should be a moment (a beat) in your story/script where the hero does something that makes the audience think “I want to see this character’s story. I want to root for this character.” A classic example of this is a firefighter saving a cat from a tree. Get it?

The book outlines 15 different beats of a script — we won’t get into great detail with them — across three acts. This should give you a sense of how important it is to move your story forward with these various turning points.

Today we’ll look at:

  • Three act sctucture
  • Story Structure Explained — Avengers Infinity War vs Save the Cat’s Beat Sheet
  • The Story Spine
  • 5-Part Scene (Bringing it together for short films)

Check out today’s Quest to add a few more skills to your storytelling toolbox! When you’re done with this, you should be able to take one of these approaches and create a great story.

DMT Skills Covered in this Quest

Estimated Time: 30 min.

Difficulty: Foundational


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  • 4.6 Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of 5-part scene structure with complete accuracy using an outline or presentation.
  • 4.8 Students will be able to identify 3 or more examples of effective heightening.
  • 4.9 Students will be able to create a storyboard, shot list, and or two-column script based on project needs.
  • 4.11 Students will be able to demonstrate effective visual storytelling techniques.

Story Beats and Structure