24 Noise Gate and Compression

As we begin to look for ways to improve the sound we capture, le’s start with a couple of common audio effects — noise gate and compression.

Download this file so you can follow along in FCP: FixThis

(you may need to Option-click to download or Control-click and choose save as. Then, you’ll import into FCP in the usual way. Just put it in a new Event/Project)

You’ll submit a screenshot of your work to your Basecamp portfolio in the last stage of this Quest.

These skills are very important, so get ready to learn!

DMT Skills Covered in this Quest

Estimated Time: 45 min.

Difficulty: Foundational


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  • 2.16 Students will be able to utilize various effects (e.g. EQ, reverb, low cut, compression) during a live performance or recording.
  • 5.3 Students will know dynamics-related terminology including compression, threshold, ratio, limiter, gate, and gain without the use of notes.

Noise Gate and Compression

Has Assignment