12 Project: Photo Shoot

You’ve been hired as a photographer to capture images of STA students. Your client is looking for images of students involved in everyday activities, potentially posed/staged, but wants the pictures to look “natural.” These pictures will possibly be used for social media posts. Keep in mind the STA tagline “Academics amplified. Professions launched.”

Our motivation for this is the photos of former student Jacqueline Ayala, who has done work with Foot Locker. You’ll see a couple of pictures of hers in the first phase of the Quest.

DMT Skills Covered in this Quest

Estimated Time: 2 days

Difficulty: Foundational


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  • 1.1 Students will be able to identify the three components of the exposure triangle.
  • 1.2 Students will be able to demonstrate correct use of exposure triangle when capturing properly exposed photos/video.
  • 1.3 Students will be able to evaluate images based on given exposure information and make appropriate modifications to correct exposure.
  • 1.9 Students will be able to understand how correct lighting combines with camera exposure to ensure quality digital images in both film and photography.
  • 1.10 Students will be able to explain white balance using appropriate terminology.
  • 1.11 Students will be able to recognize various shot composition framing techniques (e.g. OTS, close-up, master, establishing, etc).
  • 1.12 Students will be able to identify effective use of rule-of-thirds in photo and video compositions.

Photo Shoot Project